A platter of champagne filled glasses
a plate of food on a table

Wedding Catering in Greenville, SC

Begin With A Blank Canvas

At Grand Bohemian Lodge Greenville, we’ll help you plan your wedding down to the details, complete with surprises for your guests. From a classic Southern lunch buffet of fried chicken and collard greens to beautifully plated dinner of local pan-seared trout and creamy corn soup, our Greenville SC wedding catering menus are designed to delight.

Menu Offerings

a person holding a tray of food

Hors D’oeuvres

Passed bites from land, sea, and garden.

a buffet of food

Buffets & Enhancements

Indulge in a little bit of everything.

a plate of food


Presented with flair and a bit of Bohemian flourish.

a person cutting a large piece of meat with a knife

Grand Reception Displays

Four ways to elevate any occasion.

a person holding a glass jar

Specialty Bars & Beverages

Wine, beer, and beautifully crafted cocktails for all.

a close-up of a chocolate chip cookie

Dessert Stations

The sweetest way to end the evening.